Thursday, 11 October 2018



 Who Am I?

Am I just so and so.. with so and so qualification..?

Or Am I...

The little girl who is afraid and needs reassurance at times..

The young teen who needs a lil bit of attention some times...

The maiden who wants to be nurtured occasionally..

The friend who wants a little mischief today..

The wise old woman who wants my counsel heard now..

Am I Also...

The responsible adult who can climb mountains and fight not just for those I care.. but also for a cause...

I'm akin to Mother Nature.. who beholds all stages of life.. the bud, the flower, the fruit and everything in between...

We are all everything.. on different days or perhaps different times.. Giving each it's due and embracing it all makes us whole.

I Am She

Just my thoughts as I ponder on Navratri- Archetype of the Great Mother. 

Soulful Navratri People.

I lovingly dedicate this Blog Post to my little Niece Ekaa who's Teaching me Life just by being herself :)

Monday, 10 September 2018

Integrating Self by Anchoring Dream Image

I woke up hearing the word Integration (deep within myself) and let it stay with me. Then, went for a walk and felt my body integrating with my being along with the crisp fresh early morning air of the Universe. As I came into the room and stood in front of the Altar, my conscious mind was picking on an object/aspect to ponder upon for ‘Integration’. Something didn’t feel quite right with the objects I was consciously choosing and then just as I let my vision wander, ‘the dragonfly’ stood out which just clicked.. The Dragonfly, a creature born of water, then flies and is also on earth; meaning a symbol that integrates all the elements (air, water, fire and earth). I then did some breathing and guided visualization connecting to the elements and felt deeply connected to my centre and inner-power in a beautiful way. I finished the visualization with the image of the dragonfly to guide me and was immediately inspired to blog- something that I had been putting off quoting time and other reasons.
Now what am I trying to say? For those of us who are familiar with the Psyche, we know that it’s not just the conscious but the unconscious which influences us to a large extent. While it can seem daunting, one way the Psyche in itself aids us is through Dreams. Carl Jung, my favourite Psych has shown how to use the ‘Dream Messages’ to better ourselves and individuate- which in simpler terms would be akin to self-actualization.
Rather than trying to interpret the dream straight away which is what we are drawn to do, we could allow ourselves to just feel the energy before jumping out of bed. Then ponder upon ‘Is there a thought/phrase/image/feeling’ that conjures up and let this guide us. While my immediate association was ‘integrate all the personalities within me’, thankfully I did not start dissecting and over-analyse. Walking in open air further opened my mind and when I came into the room and played some music, my head space was much clearer. This then allowed the unconscious to guide to the image of the ‘dragonfly- a symbol for self-actualization’. The Dream message of ‘Integration’ proved to be a powerful ‘anchor’ for my creative juices to flow.
What impressed me the most was how letting the ‘Psyche’ free to guide was essential. By clearing the head space via exercise helped in getting the message that made sense to me. It also aided in body-mind synchronization which made writing effortless. We often try to force a solution from the dissecting intellect. However, we could use the cues the body and surrounding is giving us to aid in the process. This might not just help in getting an answer/ solution but also in opening up our creative space. As Einstein had once said, ‘you can’t get a different answer with the same way of doing things’.
The ‘ritual’ with awareness is a trigger to synch all our aspects and tap into the unlimited potential lying dormant in our Psyche which is trying to make itself known through images, symbols etc. It could be a simple act of exercise or prayer which helps the conscious mind stay centered in the activity and simultaneously makes way for the unconscious to guide to the right message. Writing flowed after I followed my ritual of walking and visualizing- i.e., by Integrating mind and body. The more deeply the ritual is followed with awareness, the greater the benefit.
My rambling is a humble attempt to hold a ‘mirror’ to the Psyche (comprising of both conscious and unconscious) containing many Gifts’; instead of running away if we can embrace it- both Light and Shadow, it’ll guide us towards our true Self which aids in our purpose and calling too. Just as the body can aid the mind via exercise and music, the unconscious treasures can aid the conscious if we allow it by learning to decipher its messages via image and symbols.
I’m so glad to have connected to this aspect of Dream Anchoring as Dreams have always been a fascination with me. Synchronously, Jung himself started guiding when I attended Manasa’s Dream Workshop, and gratefully dedicate this blog to ‘Jungian Analyst Manasa.K.S’ for bringing Jung into our lives as he continues to inspire through our Dreams :)