I know it’s been a while, since I sat down to write. Lack of time is not an excuse, but guess my motivation was. So, then what prompted me to do it today and that too on a Sunday afternoon. Guess it’s the happiness and oneness I am feeling with everything and everyone around. For the rational and skeptics, this piece may not be to your liking but if you go on with an open mind you may find the Universe is trying to communicate something to you. If you’re ready, you will receive it.
So, what exactly happened? I will have to delve a little into what’s been going on with me over the past few weeks. It seemed like every area and problem seemed to engulf me and that too one after another. Of course, I swung between belief and non-belief, faith and despair. Somehow, it just seemed hard to cope with and people think being a psychologist you are not supposed to have any problems! At this point, I must admit I’m not a person who likes to make my life known, even my close one’s rarely know what is going through my mind and life. But for some reason I am prompted to write this, may be as a hope or support to those who go might be going through a similar phase. Okay, don’t worry- won’t make it my sad saga! That was just the beginning, and then came the miracle.
Life or Universe suddenly started to bring amazing people and teachers who taught me that I was taken care off. Going through that fireful testing times was essential for the transformation to happen. Events I least expected started occurring since this year began. It all seemed like one of Dr. Brian Weiss’s case-studies where things were unfolding magically and leading from one to another. One event leading to another event or person who helped me to get in touch with something within me (unaware repressed, suppressed memories). This in turn, led to questioning and resolving (or at least on the path) some patterns (age old) which was absolutely essential. Of course, I went through phases of being over-whelmed and it took me awhile to accept the lessons and learnings’ of my life (past if you believe and understand past-life). At one point, I even wondered if ignorance was bliss but guess that was just a defense to deal with or face the obvious or unknown. Life had different plans however, and now I realize what happened was essential. How can we make space for the ‘new’ if we are cluttered with the old and non-useful stuff in us!
Also, the unknown is fearful because we don’t know what it might hold but how boring our lives would be if there were no twists and turns. Yet, we wish to remain in control. At times, we just have to surrender and go with the flow, and what we may experience might be way beyond our rational minds can fathom! The wonder a small child or pet shows is the attitude we need to develop. The journey then is far more beautiful and mystical!
Now, as I write to you, something in me is surely and steadily shifting. I feel I am in the amazing space, where I feel an absolute oneness and gratitude for everything around me. I have had this fleeting experience amidst nature a few times before but now I feel it for everything and everyone. Only hope this sense of wonder and connectness starts saying longer (wishing to place the responsibility outside me!). One thing I have noticed is that the more I learn about Life, the more I am humbled about how much more there is to the mystically unknown Universe. Opportunities are provided to experience but we shrug it off due to our rational upbringing. The Indian Psychology concept of moving from conditioning to de-conditioning makes absolute sense now. Solutions aren’t always available from our rational mind but it may come to you from something deep within you, if are quiet enough to hear it. Hence, it is really good to sleep over a problem. The answers we seek outside us be it with experts or other sources can be accessed deep within ourselves. Yes, I also question, argue and get in to the loops of the chattering monkey mind. Finally, since the exercise seems futile, it is wiser to quieten the monkey with love and let your inner, higher self emerge. This clear voice can not only advice you but also be your good friend and constant companion. The quieter we are, the more access we have to our higher self.
We ought to aim to connect to our inner self, by consciously shutting out our rational mind, and tuning into the stillness within each of us, which is the source of infinite wisdom, call it your intuition or higher self. A simple exercise I learnt over the past few days is to close your eyes, breathing in through your nostril and exhaling via your mouth, with the intention to connect to your self helps you get in touch with your sacred space.
As I have heard and read from numerous sources, every problem in your life is here to tell you something and help you get in touch with your higher self. I know it’s difficult to remember this when we’re in trouble but slowly and gradually we learn to flow with life and its challenges rather than against it. I still have all the little worries that we humans have but I choose to go with it. Once I have probably learnt the lesson or faced the challenge, it will dissipate. However, for now I’m in my inner quiet, unconditionally happy and loving zone and wish many more of us can connect to the sacred space (on a daily basis) which takes us on a much required inward, wonderful journey. I end with one of my favorite quotes of J. Krishnamurthy, ‘If you trust the River of Life, the river of life has an amazing way of taking care of you’. Happy inner traveling J